May 30-31, 1969 Russ Gibb's First Annual Rock & Roll
Revival: This handbill could have been in better shape but what do you expect
for something dragged around for 35 years? It's still worth a "million" to me
as it represents the best Rock Festival I've ever attended! The Acts (at least
what I can remember):
The MC5
were great! I remember at one point a streaker hit the stage, mooned the crowd
and was escorted away by security. I can still remember Wayne Kramer spinning
around in circles and delivering some of the most earth-shattering guitar riffs
I've ever heard, ditto for Fred "Sonic" Smith.
The Psychedelic Stooges
(later to be called just the "Stooges") with Iggy Stooge (later to become Iggy
Pop) were masters of an art years before its time and fortunately, this concert
was before they began to self-destruct and were still at their peak. I must
admit, I remember nothing about the Stooges performance at this particular event
-- not because I didn't enjoy them (I always did) but undoubtedly because I saw
them so often at other venues during this era and because there was nothing
particularly different abut this one to separate it from the others (and 35
years is a long time to remember back!).
Dr. John The
Night Tripper was indeed a "Trip," (as always),
Blizzard (I don't see them on the bill but they were there -- weren't they?)
was unreal (wherever I saw them and I'd swear it was here), and the minstrel
David Peel and the Lower
East Side band could be seen moving through the crowd all day performing their
anthem "Have A Marijuana" and other of their street-corner type performances.
The Scot Richards Case (SRC to
most) delivered the best performance I'd ever seen from them, (which makes me
wonder why they never went anywhere) -- and as an aside, it makes me wonder why
Dick Wagner and the
Frost never got
anywhere either as they offered up a notable performance too (Dick finally
abandoned ship to play with Alice, etc.).
The Amboy Dukes (with
lead guitar Ted Nugent) showboated the affair by arriving at the gates in a limo
(not particularly common to rock bands in the late 1960s -- if at all in
Detroit). Of course, Ted was his normal arrogant self and delivered his
expected ear-shattering performance along with the rest of the Dukes. The Dukes
(originally named the Amboy Duke Show or at least that's what is said on the
side of their van in 1968 and/or 1969) as they drove past me every day at the corner of
Grand River and Six Mile in Detroit where I hitchhiked a ride home from Redford
High, without stopping to give me a ride even once. Who were the "other" members
of the Dukes (besides Ted)? Who cares! At least the MC5 or Russ Gibb would
stop to pick you up on the way to the Grande Ballroom!
The local Detroit-Ann Arbor area group,
The UP were their usual
selves, delivering pre-punk, garage rock years before its time. They did one song about a Tootsie Roll with a chorus
line that still runs through my head from time to time: "I wana eat ya, I wana
eat ya, I wana eat ya -- right now!" Base! Very base! But catchy! Of course, Johnny Winter,
Chuck Berry,
Sun Ra,
Terry Reid and other
out-of-towners were at their usual best but they lacked the charisma and sheer
energy the Detroit bands routinely delivered and the Detroit bands basically
blew them away.
Disclaimer: This is the way "I" remember it and I've withheld comment on
bands I couldn't care less about or just don't remember.
circa 1969
circa 1969/70
The ticket says: "Rain Or Shine" -- Nobody said anything about the nation
having its largest blackout ever! The concert was rescheduled for August 25th!
An Instant Classic!
Mr. Osterberg (Iggy) Dressed Up Nice -- Mom & Dad Osterberg Were At This Concert
Photos © Ken Potter 1980
Handbills Were Passed Out The Week Before A Show On The Way Out From A Concert
I Don't Remember Going To This One - But At Least I Got The Handbill
April 4-6, 1969
A Reformed MC5 1978 -- None of the Glitter of the 60's here but not bad
Photos © Ken Potter 1978
This concert was sometime in the the mid to late 1970s. Who would have thought
IB would end playing bars?
A couple of videos I took recently
CrashDollz "Smack My Bitch Up" at the Ritz in Warren, MI
CrashDollz at the Ritz in Warren, MI 12/29/12 performing "Smack My Bitch Up". An
excellent show at this intimate small venue. This was the first time I saw them
but I'll be sure to see them again.
Ken Potter
P.O. Box 760232
Lathrup Village, MI 48076-0232
Phone: 313-268-3280